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Support for Elders, contact us today and access our Elder-Help Centres near you. Call our team on 
0402 941 969 to get assistance. 

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Assistance areas:


Access to;

* computer help
* Scam assistance
* document preparation eg. Wills, EPA's, EPG's, Advance * Health Directives (Living Wills)
* Referrals to financial crisis assistance 
* Neglect
* Neighbourhood disputes
* Advocacy and support


If you need help immediately, call police on 000. 

Outreach Centres


Access to our out-reach centre
Within the Perth Metropolitan area, we are also collaborating with remote rural communities within Western Australia.

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Our Elder-Help Community Centres

Our Elder-Help Community Centres aim to be an effective way to assist elderly individuals in addressing the issues outlined below in Australia. Such a center could provide a range of services and resources to help elderly individuals navigate legal issues, access support services, and engage with technology. For example, the centre offers legal assistance referrals for estate planning and elder abuse cases, as well as resources to help elderly individuals understand their rights and can access appropriate services. The centre also provides technology training and support to help elderly individuals to stay connected and engaged with the world. Additionally, the centre offers social programs and activities to help combat social isolation and loneliness. An Elder-Help Community Centre serves as a hub for connecting elderly individuals with the services and resources they need to live with dignity and independence, helping them to overcome the challenges of aging in modern society.

Legal Referrals and Advocacy:

Elder abuse is a growing concern for elderly individuals. This can occur in various forms, including financial exploitation, physical or emotional abuse, neglect, and abandonment. Elder abuse can be perpetrated by family members, caregivers, or others who have a relationship with the elderly person. It can have serious consequences, including physical harm, emotional distress, financial loss, and decreased quality of life. Legal measures have been taken to prevent and address elder abuse, such as mandatory reporting laws and enhanced penalties for those who commit such abuse.


In addition to elder abuse, older adults may also face other legal issues. For example, many elderly individuals may require legal assistance referrals to draft and update their wills and other estate planning documents. These documents ensure that an elderly person's assets are distributed according to their wishes, and they can also protect against financial exploitation or other forms of abuse.


Elderly people may also face issues related to healthcare and insurance. Many elderly people have complex medical needs and require specialized care. This can be challenging to navigate, particularly when it comes to health insurance coverage and reimbursement. Elderly people may also require legal assistance in accessing providers, or other government programs.

Technology-Related Issues:

While technology can be a powerful tool to improve the lives of elderly people, it can also create new challenges and obstacles. One of the most significant issues is the digital divide. Many elderly individuals may not have access to or be comfortable using technology, which can limit their ability to communicate, access information, and engage with society. This can exacerbate social isolation and loneliness.


Another issue related to technology is online fraud and scams. Elderly individuals may be targeted by scammers who seek to exploit their lack of tech savvy or vulnerability. Scams can take many forms, including fake emails, social media messages, or phone calls, phishing attempts, and fraudulent investment schemes.


Furthermore, the use of technology in healthcare can also present challenges for elderly individuals. Electronic medical records (EMRs) and telemedicine can be difficult to navigate for those who are not familiar with technology. Moreover, the use of telemedicine requires access to reliable internet connection and technology equipment, which may not be readily available for some elderly individuals.


Finally, cybersecurity is a growing concern for elderly individuals, particularly those who use technology for banking, shopping, or other online activities. Cybersecurity risks can include identity theft, data breaches, and financial fraud, among others.


In conclusion, elderly people can face a range of issues in today's society, including physical, emotional, financial, legal referrals, and technology-related challenges. These issues can impact their quality of life and require specialized support and assistance. It is important to recognize and address these issues to ensure that elderly individuals can live with dignity and independence.

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